Ductal®UHPC全屏预制元素作为标志性La Marseillaise在马赛落成


法国第二大城市马赛酒店欢迎其海滨天际线添加新增的补充。135米高的La Marseillaise于10月25日由该市市长正式落成。面向海上的塔式的标志性立面由Ductal®UHPC组成。塔的爱国色彩与周围蓝色的蓝色混合,作为天空,白色作为地平线和云彩,红色作为砖和屋顶的赭石。


After three and half years of construction, La Marseillaise was inaugurated by Jean-Claude Gaudin, Marseille’s mayor, on October 25. The 31-story building, located on the Quais d’Arenc, is part of Marseille’s Euroméditerranée waterfront urban renewal project and will complement the nearby CMA CGM Tower. The architects turned to Ductal® UHPC at a very early stage of the project to design the building’s multicolored monolithic façade elements.


Ductal® UHPC prefabricated elements are used in the building’s envelope (airtight and watertight sealing), in thermal insulation, in solar control (through sun-shades and lateral partition grids), in fire partitioning (high-rise tower regulation) and in its salt spray resistance (important because of the building’s proximity to the sea).
